Discover just how far back humanity’s history with gambling really goes. Explore a rough timeline of the major developments in the history of casino games Slot Gacor.
From Prehistoric Dice To Video Slots: A Rough History Of Casino Games
It seems that we humans have had a thing for games of chance for about as long as we’ve been walking upright. Throughout the historical record, even before casinos existed, casino-type games have been played.
Although it is by-no-means exhaustive, the following timeline should give you a good idea of just how far our love of casino games goes… and how we got to where we are today.
A Basic History Of Casino Games
Prehistory – 3000 BC, Mesopotamia: Six-Sided Dice
The oldest pair of dice ever discovered is over 5,000 years old. They were unearthed by archeologists in Iraq and date all the way back to 3000 BC, when the region was still known as Mesopotamia.
But the origins of die go back way further than that. As it turns out, these Mesopotamian die were based on designs from the late Paleolithic era, which ended some 11,000 years ago.
2300 BC, Ancient China: Lotteries & Simple Games of Chance
There is considerable evidence to suggest that gambling was a popular pastime in Ancient China. This includes tiles, later unearthed by archeologists, suggesting the existence of a crude game of chance. Moreover, reference to “the drawing of wood” in the Chinese Book of Songs may reference a type of lottery.
Ancient Greece & Rome: Mythical Die and Law-Skirting Gambling Chips
In Ancient Rome, founded in 753 BC, gambling was enormously popular. So popular, in fact, that the city of Rome outlawed all forms of gambling for a time. Illicit gamblers attempted to skirt the law, which entailed a fine of four times the wagered stake, by developing gambling chips.
Later, in around 500 BC, writings of the Greek poet Sophocles attributed the invention of the dice to a mythical hero and the siege of Troy. Whether or not you buy the fantastical theory, Sophocles’ writing shows that the Ancient Greeks used die.
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