Secondary Education
Ultimately, college is still the path of choice for the bulk of students and part of the major reason why is that many jobs still require a degree before giving any consideration. As a side note, depending on the school, there may be a chance to get some experience and networking that will be invaluable for the road ahead. Note that this requires foresight and pre-planning. College is no longer as difficult to get into as it was, and student loan costs mean you want to convert your degree into earning power as soon as possible.
For most people, their career ambitions will determine whether or not traditional education is a good match. If you don’t have a concrete idea, it may not be a bad idea to either enter the workforce temporarily or enter community college and transfer over to a four-year college. This offers students the chance to not only make a mature decision on their college path but also save money by taking certain classes for far cheaper than transferring their credits over. No matter what you take, try to avoid going to college right away without a serious plan if you can help it.
Trades can be lucrative too. Just like other jobs, the key is finding a highly skilled niche with little competition. For example, with time, a skilled tradesman could work with aircraft tooling in Miami, one of the many branches of Aircraft maintenance. It’s easy to forget how important it is for aircraft to not only function but to constantly make sure that things are working at top efficiency. This means running diagnostics and using tools like bootstrap kits to repair wear and tear.
It’s important to note that the top trade jobs like these do have some barrier to entry. In this case, it’s less education and more experience. Don’t be surprised if you need to pursue some certification or work elsewhere before you get to this point.
After getting your required training, pursuing trades are similar to getting any other job. You may want to look up cities or regions where many of the companies in your niche work. For example, find where there are lots of aviation companies when it comes to breaking into Aircraft maintenance Miami. At this point, use the experience and skills you have to show that you are a better job prospect than the competition.